Tag Archives: Daniel Snyder

Six Flags, facing severe debt, considers bankruptcy

by Sundeep Kothari

Atlanta Georgia Bankruptcy Lawyer

Six Flags considers filing for bankruptcy

Six Flags is considering an August 2009 bankruptcy filing if it cannot reach deals with its lenders to re-structure outstanding debt.

From the article:

A spokeswoman for the company, Sandra Daniels, said yesterday that a bankruptcy filing would not disrupt park operations. “Whatever the end result is of our discussions . . . Six Flags is open for business,” she said.

Six Flags’ warning that it might turn to bankruptcy court came after its announcement that last year it lost $113 million, compared with $253 million in 2007, as attendance at its parks nudged up despite the economy. Its loss for the fourth quarter, however, widened to $201 million from $127 million in the fourth quarter of 2007.